Archives for posts with tag: health and wellness

I don’t know what made me look at my blog today, but when I did I was shocked to see I haven’t posted anything since September 2021! I have certainly been busy these past two years, but I failed to realize that I hadn’t been keeping up here. What can I tell you about these past two years that would help you on YOUR journey to wholeness?

I turned 70 in May of 2022. From March of 2022 until now, I have been engaged in what I consider to be the biggest emotional and spiritual growth spurt of my life. Brené Brown once said: “One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will be someone else’s survival guide.” That quote has inspired me to start writing a book to tell my story.

Over the past twelve years, I have had two books inside me longing to come out, but I have not had the discipline to actually sit down and write them to completion. I’m really good at starting projects, but not so good at sticking with them until they are done! The first book was prompted by me learning that the words “heal”, “whole”, and “holy” all come from the same root word – the Old English word “hal.” (Working title: Heal, Whole, Holy.) That is also the reason my business name is “Wholly Education” – a play on those words. The second book was about how we seem to only grow when pain pushes us to do so. (Working title: Growing Pains.) The book I am working on now will include components of those two books in them.

In future blogs, I will be sharing my continuing saga of “Turning 70 – My Journey to Wholeness.” I invite you to come along for the ride with me!

Even though I believe we are headed in the right direction toward combining health and spirituality, we are not all the way there yet. Earlier in the week I mentioned the company Mirasee, where I am taking a course. They have you choose a category for your course. Two of the choices are: health and wellness, and spirituality. It makes me feel like a spork when I have to choose between the two. My work is cut out for me! So where do you make the connection between health and spirituality? Leave a comment for me.